Welcome! My name is Daniel Chavez-Yenter, PhD Candidate at the University of Utah, and thank you for considering to participate in my study!

Research Study Invitation: Latinx Attitudes, Perceptions, and use of Genetic Testing

Dear Potential Participant,

I would like to invite you to participate in a research study about the attitudes, perceptions and use of genetic testing of Latino/a individuals. This study is being conducted by Mr. Daniel Chavez-Yenter at the University of Utah and the Huntsman Cancer Institute. I am doing this study to investigate interests and experiences with genetic testing. The study will explore different types of genetic information and attitudes about genetics and health for a group of Latino/a participants.

You will be asked to take part in a 45-to-60-minute interview with me.  If you decide to participate, the interview will take place in person, by phone, or by Zoom based on your preference. The interview will be recorded.  If you do not want to be recorded you should not take part in an interview. This interview may not directly benefit you, but we hope to better understand attitudes, beliefs and experiences that may unique for Latino/a groups in order to develop approaches to improve delivery and engagement of genetic testing services.

Following your interview, I may contact you to invite you to take part in a short follow-up interview to help create a questionnaire.

If you would like additional information about the study, please call me at +1-517-648-0218 or email at daniel.chavez-yenter@utah.edu.

Thank you again for considering participation in this research study.