Enhanced Family History-Based Algorithms Increase the Identification of Individuals Meeting Criteria for Genetic Testing of Hereditary Cancer Syndromes but Would Not Reduce Disparities on Their Own.


Bradshaw RL, Kawamoto K, Bather JR, Goodman MS, Kohlmann WK, Chavez-Yenter D, Volkmar M, Monahan R, Kaphingst KA, Del Fiol G. (2024). Enhanced Family History-Based Algorithms Increase the Identification of Individuals Meeting Criteria for Genetic Testing of Hereditary Cancer Syndromes but Would Not Reduce Disparities on Their Own. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 149: 104568. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104568



Ciencia, Genética, y ¿Desinformación?: A content analysis of genetic testing coverage from US Spanish-language news media.


Chavez-Yenter, D., Holton, A., Vega, A. S., Zamora, G., & Kaphingst, K. A. (2023). Ciencia, Genética, y ¿Desinformación?: A content analysis of genetic testing coverage from US Spanish-language news media. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 00, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgc4.1747



“La Piedra Rosetta” - A Content Analysis of Health-specific stories of Genetic Testing from U.S. National Spanish-language News Outlets


Chavez-Yenter D, Holton A, Vega AS, Zamora G, Kaphingst K. “La Piedra Rosetta” - A Content Analysis of Health-specific stories of Genetic Testing from U.S. National Spanish-language News Outlets. Howard Journal of Communications, DOI: 10.1080/10646175.2023.2228232



Spit, Disgust, and Parasite Stress Theory: A Message Experiment


Chavez-Yenter D, Lillie HM, Gorissen S, John KK, Vega AS, & Jensen JD. Spit, Disgust, and Parasite Stress Theory: A Message Experiment. Journal of Health Communication, 28:8, 498-506, DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2023.2229772



Communicating sexual health risks to U.S. adults: Explicit language, dispositional disgust, and reactance


Gorissen S, Lillie HM, Chavez-Yenter D, Vega AS, John KK, Jensen JD. (2022). Communicating sexual health risks to U.S. adults: Explicit language, dispositional disgust, and reactance. Social Science & Medicine. 115414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115414


Racial, ethnic, language preference, and sex disparities in cancer family history information in the electronic health records of two large healthcare systems.


Chavez-Yenter D, Goodman, MS, Chen Y, Chu X, Bradshaw RL, Lorenz Chambers R, Chan PA, Daly BM, Flynn M, Gammon A, Hess R, Kessler C, Kohlmann WK, Mann DM, Monahan R, Peel S, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Sigireddi M, Buys SS, Ginsburg O, Kaphingst KA. (2022). Racial, ethnic, language preference, and sex disparities in cancer family history information in the electronic health records of two large healthcare systems. JAMA Network Open. 5(10), e2234574-e2234574. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.34574



Barriers to family history collection among Spanish-speaking primary care patients: a BRIDGE qualitative study


Lieberman E, Taber, P Vega AS, Daly BM, Goodman MS, Bradshaw R, Chan PA, Chavez-Yenter D, Hess R, Kessler C, Kohlmann W, Low S, Monahan R, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Buys SS, Sigireddi M, Ginsburg O, Kaphingst KA. (2022). Barriers to family history collection among Spanish-speaking primary care patients: a BRIDGE qualitative study. PEC Innovation. 100087. ISSN 2772-6282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecinn.2022.100087



Interest in Cancer Predisposition Testing and Carrier Screening Offered as Part of Routine Healthcare Among an Ethnically Diverse Sample of Young Women


Kaphingst KA, Bather JR, Daly BM, Chavez-Yenter D, Vega A, Kohlmann WK. (2022). Interest in cancer predisposition testing and carrier screening offered as part of routine healthcare among an ethnically diverse sample of young women. Frontiers in Genetics. 13:866062. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.866062


Patient Interactions With an Automated Conversational Agent Delivering Pretest Genetics Education: Descriptive Study.


Chavez-Yenter D, Kimball KE, Kohlmann W, Lorenz Chambers R, Bradshaw RL, Espinel WF, Flynn M, Gammon A, Goldberg E, Hagerty KJ, Hess R, Kessler C, Monahan R, Temares D, Tobik K, Mann DM, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Buys SS, Ginsburg O, Kaphingst KA. (2021). Patient Interactions With an Automated Conversational Agent Delivering Pretest Genetics Education: Descriptive Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021;23(11):e29447
doi: 10.2196/29447
PMID: 34792472



“Being Proactive, not reactive”: Exploring Perceptions of Genetic Testing among White, Latinx, and Pacific Islanders.


Chavez-Yenter D*, Vagher J*, Clayton MF, Rindler M, Shukovich M, Kaphingst KA. (2021) “Being Proactive, not reactive”: Exploring Perceptions of Genetic Testing among White, Latinx, and Pacific Islanders. Journal of Community Genetics. (*Contributed Equally) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12687-021-00542-3



Theory utilization in current communication of cancer genetic testing research: Identified gaps and opportunities.


Chavez-Yenter D, Zhao J, Ratcliff CL, Kehoe K, Blumling A, Peterson E, Klein WM, Chou WY, Kaphingst KA. (2021). Theory utilization in current communication of cancer genetic testing research: Identified gaps and opportunities. Social Science & Medicine. 114144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114144


Comparing models of delivery for cancer genetics services among patients receiving primary care who meet criteria for genetic evaluation in two healthcare systems: BRIDGE randomized controlled trial


Kaphingst KA, Kohlmann W, Chambers R, Goodman MS, Bradshaw R, Chan PA, Chavez-Yenter D, Colonna SV, Espinel WF, Everett JN, Gammon A, Goldberg ER, Gonzalez J, Hagerty KJ, Hess R, Kehoe K, Kessler C, Kimball KE, Loomis S, Martinez TR, Monahan R, Schiffman JD, Temares D, Tobik K, Wetter DW, Mann DM, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Buys SS, Ginsburg O. (2021). Comparing models of delivery for cancer genetics services among patients receiving primary care who meet criteria for genetic evaluation in two healthcare systems: BRIDGE randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Services Research. 21, 542. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-021-06489-y



Book Review - Mapping Humanity: how modern genetics is changing criminal justice, personalized medicine, and our identities.


Chavez-Yenter, D. (2021). Mapping humanity: how modern genetics is changing criminal justice, personalized medicine, and our identities. New Genetics and Society, DOI: 10.1080/14636778.2021.1890007



State of Recent Literature on Communication About Cancer Genetic Testing among Latinx Populations


Chavez-Yenter D, Chou WY, Kaphingst KA. (2020). State of Recent Literature on Communication About Cancer Genetic Testing among Latinx Populations. Journal of Genetic Counseling. 00:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgc4.1351


Service Learning in Undergraduate Global Health Education: The Effect of Team Dynamics on Civic Attitudes and Skills.


Chavez-Yenter D, Badham A, Hearld KR, Budhwani H. (2015). Service Learning in Undergraduate Global Health Education: The Effect of Team Dynamics on Civic Attitudes and Skills. International Journal of Research of Service-Learning and Community Engagement. 3(1); ePublication.



Race/ethnicity and socio-economic differences in breast cancer surgery outcomes


Akinyemiju TF, Vin-Raviv N, Chavez-Yenter D, Zhao X, Budhwani H. (2015). Race/ethnicity and socio-economic differences in breast cancer surgery outcomes. Cancer Epidemiology, 39(5), 745-751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canep.2015.07.010



Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Racial and Ethnic Minorities: A Case of Nativity and Contextual Factors.


Budhwani H, Hearld KR, Chavez-Yenter D. (2015). Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Racial and Ethnic Minorities: A Case of Nativity and Contextual Factors. Journal of Affective Disorders. 175:275-280. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2015.01.035


Panic attacks in minority Americans: The effects of alcohol abuse, tobaccos smoking and discrimination.


Hearld KR, Budhwani H, Chavez-Yenter D. (2015). Panic attacks in minority Americans: The effects of alcohol abuse, tobaccos smoking and discrimination. Journal of Affective Disorders. 174:106-112. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.041



Depression in Racial and Ethnic Minorities: the Impact of Nativity and Discrimination


Budhwani H, Hearld KR, Chavez-Yenter D. (2015). Depression in Racial and Ethnic Minorities: the Impact of Nativity and Discrimination. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. 2: 34–42. DOI 10.1007/s40615-014-0045-z